It's not just refuse removal - it's the Good feeling you get when you property is neat and tidy
Here at Bigeye Garden Refuse Removals, our mission is to make sure the refuse is removed the same day to prevent the spread of vermin. We also provide the refuse bags and offer to do either daily or weekly collections.
We also have tree fellers on the team that works carefully and quickly, and clean up after the job is done.
Our vision is clean gardens free of unsightly waste

Services We Offer
- Refuse Removed same day, leaving no time for spread of vermin
- We provide all refuse bags
- Once off or weekly removals
- All scraps and junk removed
- Full Garden maintenance
- Gutter Cleaning
- High Pressure Cleaning of Roof & Walls
- Painting
- Tree Felling
- Weed Treatment / Poisoning
- Your property is your largest investment. Keep it neat and tidy